Diffusion of Innovation and Viability of Hospitals - An Empirical Study
Though the impact of innovation on firms’ performance is a widely studied topic, there is a dearth of research on this topic specific to private hospitals in India. The objectives of this study were to assess the diffusion of innovation among private hospitals, to examine the relationship between innovation adoption and viability of private hospitals and to examine variations in diffusion of innovation across various categories of private hospitals. This was a quantitative study conducted among 154 private hospitals in Kerala in Jan 2021. Responses to 4 statements related to innovation and 3 statements related to viability were captured using a 5 point Likert scale. Bivariate correlation results indicated that there is a positive correlation between adoption of innovative practices by hospitals and their viability. Variations in diffusion of innovation across types of hospitals were examined using independent sample t-test or ANOVA. Hospitals with specialty services, hospitals located in urban areas and newer hospitals were seen to be more open to adopting innovative practices. Findings of the study have significant implications to hospitals. Since innovation is seen to have an impact on viability it is important that hospitals adopt innovative practices in healthcare.
Key words: Diffusion of innovation, Hospitals, Innovation, Viability.
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