An Innovative Clothes Drying Effect on Clothes Horse Design
The progress of technology and change of society makes people become rely on using assisted products or equipments in daily affairs. Fortunately, scientific techniques and innovative methods can efficiently help people solve the problems. To product designers, noting daily living details and problems could be the origin of design innovation. Clotheshorses are essential products for use daily when clothes are washed and cleaned, especially for drying clothes. There are a variety of clotheshorses in the market that offer different functions based on user requirements, such as foldable type, wind prevention, X type, hang type, multi-function and hoist type. These clotheshorses are primarily used for hanging washed clothes and do not have drying function. An unexpected situation might occur during the raining seasons that clotheshorses need to put in the room and the wetted clothes will not dry and even become moldy.
The objective of this research is to design an innovative clotheshorse that helps overcome the above mentioned inconvenient situation. The research applies the radial balance concept in form principles associated with value analysis and functional design analysis in the clotheshorse improvement process. In the design process, the research enhances the framework of the clotheshorse with a rotational property and adds heated apparatus to help expedite the drying effect.
It is expected that the proposed design alternative can provide certain heated gas associated with circular fan to improve drying function of existed clotheshorses and enhance the value and competition of clotheshorses.
Keywords: Clotheshorse Design, Value Analysis, Functional Design, Form Theory
- 2020-04-17 (2)
- 2019-07-26 (1)
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