Predicting the impact of blockchain technology implementation in SMEs
Block chain technology, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), multiple output regressionAbstract
In the last few years, blockchain technology, or BCT, has gained much traction. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) struggle more than their larger counterparts when it comes to technological adaptation because they lack the technology infrastructure required to implement blockchain technologies. The major contribution of this paper is to predict the impact of blockchain technology implementation on the performance of SMEs. A multiple-output regression model is utilized in this research to predict the impact of BCT on SMEs’ performance. The cost of implementing and maintaining blockchain technology, IT project management, compatibility, benefit over other available technological options, and trialability are the independent variables that were considered in the analysis. Software revision, sophistication level, innovation complexity, and observability are the dependent variables. Researchers and industry professionals can use the study to comprehend how implementing blockchain technology affects SMEs.
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